Find out about
how to Complain and how we handle and learn from complaints. |
Thinking of
carrying out any work in your home? Please read this important
information first. |
Find out how you
can pay your rent, or make an online payment through allpay. |
Tell us about a
repair problem with your home. |
Anti-Social Behaviour |
Request a Rent
Statement |
Request a Call
Back |
Give us feedback,
good or bad. |
Your basic rights
as a Tenant of Family Housing Association. |
See the Standard
of Service you can expect. |
Find out about
keeping pets in your home. |
View the most up
to date version of your Tenants Handbook. |
Guide to claiming
Universal Credit. |
How we deal with
Domestic Abuse. |
Find out what
support we can provide for disabled residents. |
Find out about
how Rents and Service Charges are calculated. |
View our Privacy
Notice, explaining what information we collect about our tenants and why
we collect it. |
Find out about
our Staff Team and their responsibilities. |
View our
Allocations Policy to understand how our homes are let. |
View our Starter
Tenancies Policy to understand how some new tenants have a probationary
tenancy. |
View our
Neighbourhood Management Policy that shows how we manage issues that
affect you in your neighbourhood. |
View our
Anti-Social Behaviour Policy to understand how we tackle these issues. |
View our Repairs
Policy which explains how we carry out Repairs and Maintenance to your
home. |
Find out about
Wirral Foodbank and how you can get help, donate or volunteer. |
Wirral InfoBank
is a directory of community groups, services and activities that can
support your health and wellbeing. |
Provides free,
confidential, high quality advice around welfare benefits, debt and
financial capacity issues. |
Provides advice
on energy efficiency to help reduce fuel bills. |
A free Budget
Planner, provided by the Money and Pensions Service |