Family Housing Association (Birkenhead & Wirral) Ltd, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead - Tel: 0151 647 5000


Family  Housing  Association (Birkenhead & Wirral)  is  a  charitable  organisation  that  was  formed  in 1968.   We  provide  homes, at  low  rents,  for  people in housing  need.  We own 401  properties  in  the North  West  of  England,  on  the  Wirral Peninsula,  including  some  in  Birkenhead,  Oxton,  Wallasey, Port Sunlight and Bromborough.







24/02/2025 Board Recruitment.  Family Housing Association is looking to recruit new voluntary Board Members with the relevant skills and experience.  Click here for more information.
02/01/2025 Policy Reviews 2025.  Our Policies are set by the Board and they guide our Staff Team on how to run Family Housing Association on a day to day basis.  They are really important as they are the basis of how we will deliver services to tenants and how we will respond to circumstances and events.  All our policies that relate to tenant services are reviewed by our Customer Panel before they are considered by the Board.  Every year we publish a list of policies due for review that relate to tenant services, to give all our tenants the opportunity to share their views and influence our policies.  The tenant related policies due for review in 2025 are Repairs; Allocations & Lettings; Domestic Abuse; Legionella Safety; Absolute Grounds Review; Aids & Adaptations; Electrical Safety; Rent Setting; Welfare and our Service Standards.  If you are a Family Housing Association Tenant and would like to share your views on any of the policies due for review in 2025, please get in touch and we will send you a copy of the policy so that you can share your feedback.  You can share your feedback in which ever way works best for you, whether this is in person, over the phone, by e-mail or through a questionnaire.  All feedback received from tenants will be shared with our Customer Panel when the policy is reviewed.  
25/10/2024 Seven New Homes.  Family Housing Association is delighted to announce that it has completed the purchase of 7 newly built homes in Tranmere.  These new 2 bedroom homes have all been let at the lowest possible 'Social' rents.  This takes the total number of Family Housing Association homes to 401. The purchase of these homes has been funded entirely from our own resources without the need to borrow money from banks or receive grant funding from Homes England.  They demonstrate our charitable aims to provide good quality homes at low rents for people in housing need in Wirral.
12/08/2024 Garden Competition 2024.  The closing date for our tenants to take part in the 2024 garden competition is 18th August 2024.  Time is running out to take part!  Send photos of your garden, yard, planters or window boxes by e-mail or on Facebook Messenger for a chance to win £50 of gardening vouchers.
27/06/2024 New Approach to Complaints.  The Housing Ombudsman has recently launched a new Complaint Handling Code that all Social Landlords must follow.  We have updated our Complaints Policy to reflect the new code.  We have also prepared a Complaint Handling Code Compliance Checklist and an Annual Complaint Performance and Service Improvement Report.  All these documents along with a summary of how to complain can be found in Tenant Services Section of the website or by clicking here.
25/06/2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measures.  The Regulator of Social Housing has introduced a standard set of performance measures for all social landlords so that performance can be compared.   Full details of Family Housing Association's performance can be found by clicking here, or by visiting the About Us page.
10/06/2024 Tenants' Conference.  Family Housing Association is a part of a group that call ourselves Community Housing Associations North West (CHANW). Every year CHANW hosts a Tenants' Conference where tenants are invited to The Village Hotel in Warrington to hear some interesting speakers and meet tenants and staff from other Housing Associations. Lunch, tea/coffee and transport will be provided. This years tenant conference will take place on Wednesday 10th July 2024. Please contact our office on 0151 647 5000 by 26th June 2024 if you are interested or for further information.
22/04/2024 Housing Ombudsman's Residents Panel.  The Housing Ombudsman is inviting social housing residents to apply to join its Resident Panel and contribute to the work it is doing to improve residents' lives through landlords' services. As a member of the panel, residents will be invited to share experiences and suggest improvements through regular meetings and virtual discussions with the Ombudsman.  Click here to apply.  The closing date for applications is 30th April 2024.
26/03/2024 Policy Reviews.  During April we will be reviewing our policies on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, Asbestos Safety and Privacy.  If any of our tenants would like to be involved in the review of these policies, please contact the Office.
13/03/2024 April Rent Increase.  By now, all our tenants will have received their annual rent increase paperwork.  We understand that this is a challenging time for many of our tenants and the 7.7% increase will be difficult to afford.  Inflation continues to be high and the cost of maintaining homes continues to rise.  As a charitable organisation,  we don't make a profit, with any spare funds used to improve our existing homes or to buy more homes to help more families in housing need.  We hope that this is the last large increase and that inflation continues to reduce in the year ahead.  If you are struggling to pay your rent or your utility bills, please contact the office for advice and support.  If you claim Universal Credit, you will need to log onto your portal quickly after 1st April 2024 to notify DWP of your rent change - you can't do this beforehand.  If you claim Housing Benefit, we will notify Wirral Council of the change in rent if your Housing Benefit is paid direct to us.  If you receive Housing Benefit yourself, you will need to contact Wirral Council before 1st April 2024.  Please contact the office if you need any help or support.  





















































































We are a Registered Provider, regulated by the Regulator of Social Housing (L1236) and a charity registered under the Co-operative & Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 (18542R)