Family Housing Association (Birkenhead & Wirral) Ltd, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, Telephone: 0151 647 5000




Help for Disabled Residents


Family Housing Association aims to support residents with disabilities to access our services and to remain safe in their home.


Reasonable Adjustments

Tenants have the right for Reasonable Adjustments to be made in order to access our Landlord Services if it puts them at a substantial disadvantage.  This could be adjusting the way we work or communicate with tenants or physical adjustments to the office or tenants accommodation.  We are not required to make adjustments that are unaffordable or impractical.


Aids and Adaptations

Family Housing Association will also look to support requests for adaptations wherever possible, to allow disabled tenants to remain safe and to enjoy their homes.  This could include additional grab handles or installation of a stairlift.  If adaptations are a significant cost, we may ask tenants to seek a referral to an Occupation Therapist and then look to access a Disabled Facilities Grant.  


Please contact the office for advice and support on adaptations or reasonable adjustments.