Family Housing Association (Birkenhead & Wirral) Ltd, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, Telephone: 0151 647 5000


How to Complain

When things go wrong

We want to deliver the best possible service to our tenants. Unfortunately we do not always achieve this and there are times when we get things wrong or let our tenants down. When this happens we want to try and put things right.  This page will explain our approach to handling complaints and provide information on our complaints performance.


Our Service Standards

Sometimes it is difficult to know what to expect from us. You may not be happy with a service we have provided but could be unsure as to whether you are expecting too much. To understand what to expect the first step is to compare your experience with our Service Standards. They can be found in your Tenants Handbook, Annual Report or on our website. Full details of our Service Standards are available on request.


Right to Complain

Everyone has the right to complain if they are unhappy with us. If you choose to make a complaint it will not be held against you in future and you will continue to receive the same services from us and will be treated with respect.  We consider complaints as a good thing as they provide an opportunity for us to put things right and to understand where we can improve.  You can have someone to represent you if you wish.  If you would find it difficult to make a complaint due to your personal circumstances, we can arrange for independent support.

We have adopted the following as the definition of a complaint: "An expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by Family Housing Association, its own staff, or those acting upon our behalf, affecting an individual tenant, resident or group of tenants or residents."


Complaints Procedure Summary

This is a summary of our Complaints Procedure.  Click here to see our Complaints Policy.

Stage 1

The first step in making a complaint is to contact the office and to explain why you are unhappy. We will listen to your concerns and will try and agree a solution.  We will formally acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days.  We will try to respond fully within 10 working days from acknowledging your complaint.  If we are unable to respond fully within 10 working days, we will explain why and keep you updated and provide an expected timescale for the response.  If you are unhappy with our proposed solution or with the way your complaint has been handled you can escalate the matter to stage 2.  A member of the Management Team will be responsible for investigating and responding to your complaint.

Our complaint response will include:

•      the complaint stage

•      the complaint definition 

•      the decision on the complaint

•      the reasons for any decisions made

•      the details of any remedy offered to put things right

•      details of any outstanding actions

•      details of how to escalate the matter to stage 2 if you are not satisfied with the response


Stage 2

If you are not satisfied with the response in Stage 1, you can escalate your complaint to Stage 2.  We will confirm receipt of your Stage 2 Complaint within 5 working days.  A different member of the Management Team (and more senior whenever possible) will be responsible for investigating and responding to your complaint.  We will review the complaint, taking into account any additional information you have provided.  We will respond formally within 20 working days.  Where we are unable to respond within 20 working days, we will explain why and keep you updated and provide an expected timescale for the response.  

Our complaint response will include:

•      the complaint stage

•      the complaint definition 

•      the decision on the complaint

•      the reasons for any decisions made

•      the details of any remedy offered to put things right

•      details of any outstanding actions

•      details of how to escalate the matter to the Housing Ombudsman Service if you remain disatisfied


3) Housing Ombudsman Service 

If you remain dissatisfied with how the complaint was handled or the response to your complaint, you can ask the Housing Ombudsman Service to investigate. 

We will comply with the Ombudsman's decision. Contact details for the Housing Ombudsman can be found below.

The Housing Ombudsman can offer advice and support throughout the complains process, not just at Stage 3.




Our address and contact details are:

Family Housing Association, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead. CH41 3NY

0151 647 5000


Housing Ombudsman Service 

0300 111 3000


Citizens Advice 

0300 33 00 111

Birkenhead - 50 Argyle Street, CH41 6AF

Wallasey - 237 Liscard Road, CH44 5TH





If you would like any more information please contact the office on 0151 647 5000