Family Housing Association (Birkenhead & Wirral) Ltd, Marcus House, Marcus Street, Birkenhead, Telephone: 0151 647 5000
Family Housing Association has residents at the heart of its governance structure. Our Board aims to have two tenant members and we have a Customer Panel that oversees all of our work. Our Board consists of six volunteers, who give up their time freely to help guide the Association through the challenges it faces. Each Board Member has valuable knowledge and experience that has contributed to the strong position that the Association is in today. We are always looking for new Board Members with appropriate skills or experience. Anyone interested in becoming a Board Member should contact the Chief Executive.
Customer Panel
Our Customer Panel is made up of tenants of the Association. Our aim is to have representation on our Panel from all the areas where we operate. The Panel meets twice a year and they review all aspects of our work, including our Policies and the Business Plan. All recommendations of the Panel are presented to the Board. Any tenant interested in becoming a member of the Customer Panel should contact the office.
Board Members
Our Board Members are as follows:
Stephen Morris
Stephen is a qualified Accountant and has extensive experience in the Housing Sector.
Vice Chair & Board Member
Andrew Davies
Andrew has experience in Law and charity sector.
Board Member
Peter Carter
Peter has Business experience and also a good understanding of Universal Credit.
Board Member
Glen Hamilton
Glen has experience in Business and Finance.
Board Member
Joy Hughes
Joy worked in Social Housing and has experience in Housing Management, Rent Arrears and Welfare Benefits.
Board Member
Brendan McWhinnie
Brendan has experience working in the Social Housing Sector in Wales.